Intervewing Tips

Trilogy Financial Search wants to make sure you are as successful as possible in your interview. We will spend time making sure you are reminded of all of the fine points of interviewing. Interviewing is a talent that is not learned overnight nor practiced on a daily basis. We will help guide your preparation and presentation as needed.


Remember that a recruiter is here to help you.  Take advantage of what they can offer. Ask the sensitive questions. They will help you decide how to best tackle any situation.  We want to make sure you are prepared appropriately. Even though recruiters are working for the company, they want you to get the job as much as you do.  This relationship can only be successful if you are comfortable sharing all important career details.

At Trilogy, we strive to keep you updated every step of the way.  We know how hard it is to patiently wait for information.  Once we know…you will know.  Please do the same for your recruiter regarding your interests and other interview status.  No one likes surprises!

• Always send a separate thank you letter personalized to each individual hiring authority.

• After you leave the interview, it is very important that you call us immediately. We need to be prepared with your feedback before talking to the client.


Most people assume that when working with a recruiter you don’t have to work as hard as you do when looking for a job on your own. That’s not true. Even though the recruiting firm searches for you, they can’t do the interviewing for you. It’s important for finance and accounting professionals to understand the biggest interviewing don’ts, as well as, understanding how to turn them into do’s.

When interviewing, DON’T…

…ask about compensation. Luckily, if you’re working with a recruiter they can give you insight on pay. Don’t ask your interviewer what the compensation is before you’ve been given an offer.

…dress business casual. Even if the company dresses business casual, make sure you dress for the role you want. It’s always better to be overdressed than underdressed.

…go in and “wing-it”. It’s important to have done your research and have a handful of questions to ask the interviewer. Your interest in the role can be demonstrated by the quantity and quality of your questions.

…assume they know your background. Even when working with a recruiter, it’s important to sell yourself. The best way to do this is to have a few examples of work you’ve done that can match with the expectations of the position. This means knowing your resume inside and out and also knowing the job requirements for the open position.  Follow an answer with “for example”, when ever possible.

…be negative about prior employment. Even if you’ve had the worst experience with a job, a boss, or a coworker, never talk badly about your past experiences. Turn those challenging moments into positive learning and managing examples.


How do you do all of your research and make sure you are 100% prepared for an interview, before you walk in the door?

Prep, prep and more prep….

Unfortunately, we’ve seen our fair share of candidates go to an interview less than prepared. We can tell you first hand that tips for interviewing never get old. Doing your homework on the company needs to happen for every single interview stage regardless of experience, age, or how you got there.


Asking well thought out questions about the company and the position is the key element in demonstrating your interest in the role.  A hiring authority wants someone who is excited about the position, not just qualified.  People tend to make decisions emotionally and justify them logically later.  Be someone they want to hire.

Preparing adequately will lead to confidence and increased energy.  Confidence will alleviate stress and allow you to be yourself.  Answer questions with conviction and give details and examples to support your experience.


We strongly encourage candidates to keep the following in mind when the interview is coming to a close:

• Ask if there are any concerns the interviewer has regarding the ability to be successful in the role, in the culture, or at the company overall, both short-term and long-term. If the interviewer expresses concerns, be sure to acknowledge the concern and give appropriate examples of how you can overcome the concerns and/or how you have faced other types of similar challenges and have been successful.

• Communicate why you think you are an ideal fit for the role and company — be very specific — demonstrate that you understand the company culture, the role, and mention points that reflect you were listening during the interview.

• Express your interest for the job. interviewers want to see enthusiasm and drive for wanting to work with them. Don’t brown nose, but do make sure they know why you want to work there, what you bring to the table they might be missing, and how it will be working with you on the team.

If you can think about the interview in those three stages: Preparation, Questions, and Closing — we know you will be confident and present yourself in the best possible light.